Energy Audits
An energy audit will provide incredibly valuable information about the energy efficiency of a home in its current condition. Chris will review previous energy bills from the home if available to learn about potential electricity usage spikes. He’ll then investigate what could be causing these energy fluctuations, searching the home for deficient insulation, faulty systems, clogged filters, and other potential issues so that we can steer you in the right direction for improving the home’s efficiency. Click here to learn more.

Pre-Listing Inspection
Listing your home for sale without having it inspected first could inevitably result in more difficult negotiations with prospective buyers. By having Chris thoroughly inspect the home beforehand, he can identify potential deficiencies that you may not be aware of—giving you a chance to make repairs and improvements. When it’s time for the buyer to schedule their own inspection, the inspection report should come out clean, allowing negotiations to continue progressing smoothly.

11th Month Warranty Inspection
This inspection service needs to be scheduled before the builder’s original warranty expires on your new home—this typically occurs one year after final closing. He’ll inspect the property from top to bottom, taking careful note of any deficiencies in the home’s construction. If repairs are recommended for any components, you’ll be able to consult with the warranty agreement to see if some of the costs can be recouped.

Home Maintenance Inspection
Routine home maintenance is a way of life for homeowners who want to keep their home safe and able to retain its value for many years. We can help you come up with a practical home maintenance strategy by assessing the condition of the home’s readily accessible areas. Chris will make note of existing maintenance issues and any components that look like they could benefit from improvement in the near future, and he’ll relay that information back to you via a detailed and easy-to-read inspection report.

If defective components in your prospective home have been discovered during our Buyer’s Inspection, we can perform a follow-up inspection after the seller has agreed to take care of the recommended repairs. Once those repairs have been fully completed, Chris will return to the property to inspect the work that was done—ensuring that the original issue has been taken care of, and that no further issues have come to light.